One Lovely Surprise. One Lovely Blog Award!

Arindam of Being Arindam has thoughtfully awarded my blog the One Lovely Blog Award.  I’m so grateful for his continued recognition and appreciation.  If you haven’t read Arindam’s blog, I would encourage you to do so.  He handles his topics with sensitivity and insight and is always a pleasant read.

One Lovely Blog Award Rules:

  1. Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award and his or her blog link.
  2. Pass the award to 15 other newly discovered blogs.
  3. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.

The 15 blogs I pass the One Lovely Blog Award on to are:

  1. Mortal Hearts with Immortal Souls
  2. Julia’s Place
  3. CKuhnTampaBay
  4. The Bard on the Hill
  5. Joy in the Moments
  6. Mystical Tidbits
  7. Daniel Blaga
  8. Inside Out Café
  9. Cereal with a Fork
  10. I Choose How I Will Spend the Rest of My Life
  11. Living Life in Glorious Color
  12. An Evil Nymph’s Blog
  13. Cravedfw
  14. Robotic Rhetoric
  15. Sake White

Here’s your Award!  Enjoy!

28 thoughts on “One Lovely Surprise. One Lovely Blog Award!

  1. I thank you very much for the award, Arindam. An award is a wonderful thing to have, and I welcome you back to my blog. Now I feel I must tell you something important: I truly believe that you are quite wrong about your words not being entertaining. I enjoyed them very much. I think you must be a famous star — Durga Ma, Mystical Tidbits

    • You’re most welcome. For clarification, I’m Jean. Arindam is the one who passed this award on to me. I enjoy your blog and do plan to visit again. Thanks for everything you do.

  2. Pingback: Awards | I choose how I will spend the rest of my life

  3. Thank you for the award, Arindam and thank you for your appreciation. I write on my blog to help me and help others. I did not think about any reward; my goal was and it is that of helping – what I discover, my experiences could help – could resonate with – people who seeks our true essence. Also I want to find a place where I could remember easy what I know is true in times of doubting.
    When I saw the reward … it was quite a surprise. I’ll meet One Lovely Blog Award Rules. I think when you do something that resonate with you, that is a part of you, with all that you are, you do not think of rewards – reward come from doing. You do not know where it takes you, what it might bring to you, you just do.

    Thank you once again.
    Keep the good work you’re doing.

  4. Of….escuse me, I made a terrible mistake….
    Thank you for the award Jean Mishra…..
    I wrote the other replies…..

    Thank you for the award, Jean and thank you for your appreciation…

    • You’re more than welcome and you deserve it. I agree with what you said. Writing for the purpose of a reward I think holds a part of ourselves back without even realizing it. When you write for the sheer exhilaration of it, the words flow in a very different way. Recognition after the fact definitely spurs you on to keep going. Enjoy!

  5. Pingback: Very humbling, indeed . . . | Inspired Vision

  6. Pingback: The One Lovely Blog Award « Daniel Blaga

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