Images: Crystal and Mineral Wonders

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The beauty and artistry of nature is expressed in a stone like no other as if frozen in time.  Each one whispers a story if you dare to listen.  If you love crystals and minerals as much as I do, I hope you enjoy these images.  I couldn’t even begin to collect them all here.  This is just a drop in the cornucopia of Earth’s mineral kingdom.  If you are curious what each stone is, right click and go to “save as”.  I have named each file appropriately.

Images: Mandalas

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A mandala is a form of sacred art, usually found in the Hindu and Buddist traditions.  “Mandala” is a Sanskrit word meaning “circle” and is meant to assist the aspirant with focus to create a sacred space in their mind in which they can meditate.

If you’d like to know more about mandalas, you can go here.

I hope you enjoy this collection.